
Love | Printmaking

This versatile printmaking piece has transcended its physical origins to become a digital sensation. Through careful scanning and digital enhancement, “Love” has been transformed into high-resolution images, perfectly suited for adorning desktops, clothing, and a wide range of products. My ability to seamlessly blend traditional printmaking techniques

with cutting-edge digital technology sets me apart. By bridging the gap between analog and digital realms, I create work that is both visually striking and conceptually innovative. This unique approach allows me to explore a vast array of creative possibilities, resulting in designs that are fresh, dynamic, and undeniably captivating.



More about this creation below

My “Love” creation is a labor of love that marries digital artistry with tactile reality. It begins as an ethereal concept, a single vector line that I meticulously shape and sculpt into bold, organic letters in Illustrator. Inspired by the fiery hues of a sunset, I imbue the design with a vibrant, passionate energy. This digital masterpiece is then brought to life through the precision of a laser cutter, transforming the intangible into a tangible, three-dimensional form. The result is a captivating blend of retro aesthetics and contemporary design, where the essence of love is captured in every curve and contour. My “Love” collection is more than just a product; it’s an experience that transforms spaces and evokes emotions.

  • Experience with Printmaking
  • Creates authentic one of a kind owrk
  • BFA and MA in Graphic Design
  • Experience with Laser Cutting

Skills: Illustrator, Laser Cutting, Printmaking, Craftsmanship