
Jennifer | Model Head Shots

This model headshot series was an exploration of strength, beauty, and timeless style. By capturing the model’s intense gaze, I aimed to convey a sense of power and confidence. The interplay of light and shadow, combined with the deliberate use of black and white,


creates a classic and dramatic aesthetic. In contrast, the color photographs showcase a bold and vibrant approach, with a meticulous attention to color balance. These images are a testament to the model’s versatility and my ability to create striking portraits.



More on my Art Direction at Wall Street Greetings

Creating a realistic self-portrait in a vector format is a challenging endeavor that demands a high level of technical skill and artistic intuition. As a graphic design educator, I instill these principles in my students, emphasizing the importance of precision, patience, and a keen eye for detail. This self-portrait serves as a prime example of the potential of Illustrator when wielded by a skilled practitioner. The ability to manipulate shapes, colors, and transparencies with such precision is essential for achieving a lifelike representation.

My goal with this shoot was to produce a collection of images that would stand the test of time. By emphasizing the model’s natural beauty and striking features, I have created a portfolio that is both contemporary and timeless. The combination of technical expertise and artistic vision is evident in every frame. These headshots are not merely portraits but powerful statements of individuality and style.

  • Innovative and Original
  • Teaches this skill to others
  • Previous Model=Perfect Coach
  • Photographer of 14 years

Skills: Illustrator, Illustration