
Adele | Lace Typography

My Adele Grammy piece is a labor-intensive exploration of texture, process, and digital innovation. The foundation of this work is a meticulously hand-crafted set of lace letters. Each letter is a unique creation, built layer by layer with vellum and ink pen. This painstaking process resulted in the poster that you see before you.

To expand the piece’s reach beyond its physical form, I meticulously scanned the lace letters and transformed them into digital vectors. This allowed me to experiment with different formats and mediums, ultimately resulting in a versatile design that could be applied to various products.



Project Description

Pushing the boundaries of creativity, I incorporated a range of techniques into this piece. Screen printing added depth and dimension, while gold leaf lent a touch of opulence. This experimental approach was essential in achieving the desired visual impact. The interplay of handmade elements and digital manipulation showcases my ability to seamlessly blend traditional and contemporary methods, creating a truly one-of-a-kind piece of art.

  • My hand-drawn illustrations set me apart
  • Expert Product Photography
  • Viral Sensation for several works
  • Expert ideation & creation

Skills: Screen Printing, Illustrator, Illustration